# Material Flow Yet Another Material Design Blog Theme. [DEMO](http://keyin.me) ## Install ### Dependencies ```bash cd /your_blog_dir/ npm i -S hexo-generator-search hexo-generator-feed hexo-renderer-less hexo-autoprefixer ``` ### Downloading ```bash cd /your_blog_dir/themes/ git clone https://github.com/stkevintan/hexo-theme-material-flow material-flow ``` ### Set it active Change the value of `theme` to material-flow in your global `_config.yml`. ## Settings There are 3 configuration places you should concerned: ### `_config.yml` The global config of your site. ```yaml # Hexo Configuration ## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html ## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/ # Site title: World of Forks subtitle: My world description: A blog of Kevin Tan keywords: - blog - stkevintan - IT - Web Front End - Kevin Tan - kevinsfork author: Kevin Tan avatar: images/avatar.jpg # the avatar image in the sidebar favicon: images/favicon.ico language: zh-CN timezone: Asia/Shanghai # URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url: http://keyin.me root: / permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ permalink_defaults: ## .... disqus_shortname: your_disqus_shortname # Extensions ## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/ ## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/ theme: material-flow # if your search is enable && search service is 'hexo' search: path: search.xml field: post # Generator json content jsonContent: meta: false keywords: false pages: title: true slug: false date: false updated: false comments: false path: false link: false permalink: true excerpt: false keywords: false text: true raw: false content: false posts: title: true slug: false date: false updated: false comments: false path: false link: false permalink: true excerpt: false keywords: false text: true raw: false content: false categories: false tags: false # auto prefixer autoprefixer: exclude: - '*.min.css' browsers: - 'last 2 versions' # rss feed: type: atom path: atom.xml limit: 20 hub: content: ``` ## `source/_data/` The global config file's location, following 3 files are this theme used: ### `links.yml` Defines the entries of your friend link, eg: ```yaml - name: blog1 url: https://xxxx.com - name: blog2 url: http://xxx.com/ - name: blog3 url: http://xxx.io/ ``` ### `menu.yml` Defines the navigation menu of your site's header, eg: ```yaml - name: Home slug: home url: / - name: Archives slug: archives url: /archives - name: About slug: about url: /about ``` ### `widgets.yml` Defines the widget to show on your site's sidebar, eg: ```yaml - about - friendly-links - categories - tagcloud ``` ## `themes/material-flow/_config.yml` The theme config file. ``` # Search search: enable: true service: hexo # google/hexo/algolia/azure/baidu # google google_api_key: google_engine_id: # algolia algolia_app_id: algolia_api_key: algolia_index_name: # azure azure_service_name: azure_index_name: azure_query_key: # baidu baidu_api_id: # Less less: compress: true # use url, not username social: - slug: email url: #mailto:stkevintan@zju.edu.cn - slug: github url: https://github.com/stkevintan - slug: twitter url: https://twitter.com/kevinsfork - slug: rss url: /atom.xml ```